2024: In Review

2024: In Review 2024 was the year Covid finally caught us. I spent most of the year doing one day a fortnight in the office, and it was on one of these days that unluckily I picked it up. Thankfully we didn’t have bad symptoms and managed to muddle through. January 2024 started wet. Our…

2023: In Review

2023: In Review 2023 was more of the same from 2022 – a gradual opening up of our world, shopping in person again (although usually when it’s quiet) and regularly back at band rehearsals. We’re still avoiding busy pubs and restaurants, though have had a couple of office visits. January In January, we would buy…

2022: In Review

2022: In Review 2022 was the beginning of opening up. It’s a bit of a weird time – the virus is still with us, yet all mitigations are gone. The government approach appears to be “you’re going to get it, so don’t worry about it” yet the scientists are saying there is a detrimental affect…

2021: In Review

2021: In Review 2021 was the lost year. The pandemic still going on, hope on the horizon in the form of vaccinations. January: Head January began much as December ended, more Zoom meetings with Camera Club and RPS, and more time spent entering salons. There was a virtual work social at the end of the…

2020: In Review

2020: In Review So, 2020. May you live in interesting times, they said. January: The Door We spent new year down with Sharon’s parents in Wiltshire, stopping off in Stow on the way back to take a photo of this door. We had to drive back on the New Year bank holiday as we were…

2019: In Review

2019: In Review It’s that time of year when thoughts turn to a review of the year. This has been a year of travelling, partly caused by a move onto a much more interesting project at work. January: Betwixt Realities This image came about by chance. I’d taken my usual daily photo out in Leeds,…

2018: In Review

2018: In Review It’s time for the traditional quick look at my favourite images created during 2018. I left my first job at the end of January 2018.  I’d been there a long time, starting in December 1996, so it was all a bit unnerving!  After a short Light and Land trip to Andalucia during…

2017: In Review

2017: In Review So, 2017 then.  We’re nearly at the end now, and by tradition photographers have to list their twelve favourite photos of the year.  This year I have decided to join in, and have selected a favourite from each month. 2017 was for me a year of great highs, and crashing lows.  It…