
EFIAP/silver I’m pleased to say that I’ve been awarded EFIAP/silver. This is the fourth level of the FIAP distinctions and it required me to have 300 acceptances from 100 images, with five awards in five different countries. This award is cumulative with EFIAP/bronze, so I could apply my previous acceptances towards this total, though the…

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RPS DIGIT Magazine Article

Photo A Day Article in RPS DIGIT Magazine I was privileged to be asked to submit an article for publishing in the RPS’s Digital Imaging Group magazine. The article covered the evolution of my “Photo A Day” project during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The full article is reproduced below. The images shown on the first page…

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2020: In Review

2020: In Review So, 2020. May you live in interesting times, they said. January: The Door We spent new year down with Sharon’s parents in Wiltshire, stopping off in Stow on the way back to take a photo of this door. We had to drive back on the New Year bank holiday as we were…

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EFIAP/bronze I’m pleased to say that I’ve been awarded EFIAP/bronze. This is the third level of FIAP distinctions, and it required me to have 200 acceptances from 50 images, with four awards in five countries. It was a bit of a scramble to get this done during 2019, as the slate is wiped clean after…

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2019: In Review

2019: In Review It’s that time of year when thoughts turn to a review of the year. This has been a year of travelling, partly caused by a move onto a much more interesting project at work. January: Betwixt Realities This image came about by chance. I’d taken my usual daily photo out in Leeds,…

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