
I’m pleased to say that I’ve been awarded EFIAP/silver. This is the fourth level of the FIAP distinctions and it required me to have 300 acceptances from 100 images, with five awards in five different countries. This award is cumulative with EFIAP/bronze, so I could apply my previous acceptances towards this total, though the awards all had to be different.

I didn’t quite manage to do this last year, so I’ve had a year break from getting a further distinction. I was missing just two or three images to apply last year, but I didn’t get over the line in time. This has given me time to make a good dent in the requirements for EFIAP/gold, so hopefully that should follow soon.

The images that were accepted on top of the ones for previous awards are shown below.

I’m already well on the way to getting enough acceptances and images for the next level, so hopefully I’ll be able to apply for that soon. I’ll probably take a break after that and gradually work up to the other levels.

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