I’m pleased to say that I’ve been awarded EFIAP/bronze. This is the third level of FIAP distinctions, and it required me to have 200 acceptances from 50 images, with four awards in five countries.
It was a bit of a scramble to get this done during 2019, as the slate is wiped clean after the award of EFIAP – I had to start again with all new images, and only acceptances from June 2019 would count. By keeping up the entries I managed to enter enough salons and get the results through in time.
I haven’t found that salons help me produce more work. I do a daily image anyway, either taken on the day or something creative produced on the day, and these are often the works that end up being used. I used to spend a few weeks doing specific creative work to enter in the SRGB Print Celebration, but with that no longer taking place, I find myself just limiting to one image a day. It seems to work for me!
The images that were accepted in the salons are shown below.
The next level is EFIAP/silver, and I need to have only 100 more acceptances, but from 50 more images and five awards. The awards I already have, but the individual images is the tall order – will I produce enough new work during the year and be able to get enough of it accepted by the end of the year? Only time will tell!